Relationship Map
96.4 x 96.4 inch
mixed media
This piece is a map drawn as a mural about the relationship between individuals and one of the most prominent aspects of life on social media: companies and their advertisements. I kept the background of the canvas white so that a semblance of purity could be constantly maintained. While, on the other hand, I used darker images, colored by both blacks and blues, to contrast this idea and bring the focus to something that was perhaps a bit more disturbing and chaotic. Still, one object on top of the other is not how the world around us is defined, but, rather, we are all connected through different strings. Thus, every relationship in this piece is connected by a thread that is either friendly or hostile depending on the color because even the nature of our connections are distinct. This work allowed me to reflect on how much autonomy I have over connecting with the world around me when I enter a virtual space.
96.4 x 96.4 inch
mixed media
This piece is a map drawn as a mural about the relationship between individuals and one of the most prominent aspects of life on social media: companies and their advertisements. I kept the background of the canvas white so that a semblance of purity could be constantly maintained. While, on the other hand, I used darker images, colored by both blacks and blues, to contrast this idea and bring the focus to something that was perhaps a bit more disturbing and chaotic. Still, one object on top of the other is not how the world around us is defined, but, rather, we are all connected through different strings. Thus, every relationship in this piece is connected by a thread that is either friendly or hostile depending on the color because even the nature of our connections are distinct. This work allowed me to reflect on how much autonomy I have over connecting with the world around me when I enter a virtual space.