

27 x 36 inch
oil on canvas

2022 08 Celebrating art (Summer) - Published

I find that late at night, I am able to escape into a world that I create within my mind. During a time that could arguably be used to rest and recover from the day, I devote myself to moments of reflection and introspection because it is usually only in these moments where I find myself completely alone. This piece was specifically created in a way that reflects how cluttered my mind becomes with various thoughts and emotions. It is in these late-night thought sessions where I find the straight flow of time transforming into a jumbled mess of what used to be the past, present, and future. Recently I have been struggling with insomnia so even after moments of reflection I find myself falling down rabbit holes of thought where I fixate on past mistakes. By the time I realize how long I have been awake thinking, the sun is already rising. Thus, I blindfold myself in a futile attempt to escape my mind and fall asleep.